Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Randomness just because

So I am just being random today.  I am still working on the crochet flowers they just aren't good enough to post any pictures yet.  I did crochet a bird applique the other night and when I get all the strings tucked in I will share it with you guys. I think it's cute. :0)

Exciting news - My friend who is pregnant is going to let me take maternity pictures of her and I get to take pictures of her baby when she's born (for free of course)!  YAY... I will be so nervous, but I have a bit to get more comfortable with my camera. 
So I was just flipping through my pictures tonight and saw this one.  It just jumped out at me.  I didn't see it before because the bubbles were so faint.
Well, anyhoo, I hope you guys enjoy your Wednesdays!  I sure will! 

and then, she {snapped}
Thanks for stopping in!

1 comment:

  1. What a great save on that shot. And congrats on being able to take pics of your friend. I have my first newborn session coming up in August. I'm nervous too!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you'll leave a note ;0)