Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Where's the shore?

So many times in life we take things on our own.  We step out into the water and it feels good at first.  It feels refreshing and satisfying, but after a while our feet start sinking.  The further away from the shore we get the harder it seems to get back.  We get so far away that we can't see the shore any longer.  The water just keeps getting higher and higher until only our heads are above.  It is then that we are forced to look up.  To reach up, to ask for our Heavenly Father to help us.  It is in those times that we trust in Him fully. This isn't how He meant for it to be, He wants us always to trust in him. 
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
We don't have to swim back to the shore.  We don't have to even be able to see the shore.  He does all of that for us.  He lifts us up out of the water and stands us back up on the shore. 
Psalm 40:2
He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

What wonderful Grace and Mercy we recieve from our Lord!  Not only did He give His son to die for us so that our sins would be forgiven, but He cares where we are and what is going on in our lives.  When I choose my own path I am not choosing myself, but rather rejecting God.  WOW!  Rejecting God. That's not a place I ever WANT to be, but I find myself there a LOT.  Where can we go when we find ourselves in this place?
Samuel 22:7
In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just Another Butterfly {Texture Thursday}


I thought all of the grass in the background adds texture to this shot so I'm saying it qualifies ;0).

Happy Thursday guys, hopefully I can get some new pictures taken soon.  It's been dry this week... I mean, I don't have one shot to show for myself.  So sad.  I am actually having withdraws haha!  I am going to the beach in a few weeks and I cannot wait to get there and snap pictures to my hearts content and then edit them WOOHOO!!! Plus I am starting on Faith's SLR photography class next month and I am so excited!!!!  (Can you tell?)
Right now I have a pretty good understanding of my camera, I shoot solely in manual mode, but there is soooo much that I just don't know and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us!

Have a GREAT Friday Eve!! ;0)

The Daily Wyatt

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Simplicity - SLR Photography Class

Faith over at Simplicity is offering a pay as you can photography class for Oct.  I believe to get this deal you have to sign up this week.  I already signed up and I was so excited about it, I just had to blog about it ;0)!!  I CAN'T WAIT!!! :0) 

I've really enjoyed Faith's blog and I've been wanting to take part in her classes, but just haven't been able to.  This popped up on my fb page and I went and registered as soon as I could.  The spots will surely fill fast so if you are interested you'd better pop over there!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I trained to do a 5K jog for 5 or so weeks, I was doing anywhere from 2 1/2 - 4 miles 4 times a week.  I have not seen a lot of weight loss, but I can tell a difference in the way I feel and the way I look so I know I'm losing inches (I should probably have kept track of that).  So, Friday night (I'm a total procrastinator, leaving things to the very last minute) I dragged my mom out to the store to get some running clothes.  I went to bed early and set my alarm for 6:30 the next morning because the run was at 8 and that way I would have plenty of time. 

The next morning I woke up to Emma getting in bed with me.  I looked at my cell phone and it was 7:30!!!!  There was no way in the world that I could've made it at that point.  I wondered why my alarm didn't go off.  I thought, maybe it did and I just turned it off in my sleep...  Well, I had set the Tues-Friday alarm.. why I even have one like that, I do not know.

Anyhoo, can we say FAIL!?! 

I was extremely disappointed that I missed out on my very first 5K and I let friends down as well, not a great start to my weekend.  I do get a 2nd chance.  I am definitely doing the race for the cure on Oct 22nd and I can't wait.  My friend and I are going to do it together, I'm hoping we can get some more people for our group as well.  This time I am NOT oversleeping!!! 

This ones from our 4th of July Parade ;0)

Thanks for stopping in!

Becky <3

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday and my lazy bloggerness

I know I'm just the worst blogger right now!  You wouldn't believe the ideas I have for my blog, but I just haven't the time to follow through.  I've been trying to train for a 5k and do my class work and blah blah blah... I know, excuses excuses. 

I really love to take part in the fabulous friday challenges, but I haven't taken any pictures this week so I will share a couple more that I've worked on.  My sister had the idea to print out the mill picture I shared on Tuesday, but to make it a series of 3 and hanging them on the wall possibly on canvas.  Problem was that I couldn't remember exactly what I did to make it look like that haha... lesson learned!!  So I worked on these 2 shots and may end up redoing them or using something else. 

I think this one might be too light


and here is the one I've already shared, just so you can see the group together.

What are your thoughts?  Do you think they look ok together?  I don't know that I can be objective since I've stared at them for so long haha :0).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Well, I'll be honest, I'm glad for wordless Wednesday because I am being a lazy blogger right now.  haha :0)  Here's another butterfly shot that I've tweaked a bit.


and  a series of Window shots I took at Cades Cove as well :0). Yep, Mom, I'm sharing the boring window pictures hahaha





Hope these didn't bore you too much ;0) Have a Happy Wednesday!!! :0)

NapTime MomTogand then, she {snapped}

Thanks for stopping in!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

{Texture Tuesday over at Kim Klassen Cafe}

This is yet another shot I took while at Cades Cove, which if you haven't figured out is a historical park/nature preserve type place.  You drive through the loop I want to say it's like 7 miles, but I may be wrong.  I've tried to google it and can't find the distance, but it seems that was what the book said.  Anyhoo, it is a fun filled day of hiking, enjoying the scenery, looking for wild animals such as black bears, deer, and turkey.  We did see a baby black bear on our way out, but that shot is for another day haha.   There are lots of stops to get out and look at (I guess I should've mentioned) you drive your car through.  Actually a lot of people bike through or just walk through (although, I do not see myself doing that, these are people that have trained).  At the stops there are old churches, cemetery's, houses and other farm type buildings.  It's pretty nifty if you ask me. :0)


I didn't end up using this weeks texture, but this is one of Kim's textures, I just don't remember the name right now! I'm at work, so I don't have access to find out.
Thanks for stopping in!!!

*I stand corrected!!! My mom said the Loop is 11 miles, can you imagine walking that?  It isn't all flat either!  It's up down and around!! :0)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Scavenger Hunt! :0)

It has been a while since I've remembered to take part in the Scavenger Hunt.   Well, I always think about it on Sunday, but I don't think about the prompts during the week, but this week I did.
All of these except for the first one were taken at Cades Cove.  We did go again and this time we were able to take our time and really enjoy it.  Of course it was ridiculously hot, but worth it!
Stairs, Macro, Clouds, Abstract & Smiles


I was extremely excited about this bee shot!  I also got some beautiful butterflies.  These were my first real decent bug shots!  Can't wait to share the others with you!



Thanks so much for stopping in!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fave of the Week

What?  It's Friday?... I will try to refrain from doing my friday dance... oh wait sorry, I can't do it!  It's Friday, It's Friday, It is FRIDAY!!!   I know you regret that you cannot see me doing the running man while singing this.  It's unfortunate for you .

Ok, so now that I got that out of the way here is my fave shot this week. 
Drum Roll Please  ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.... (yes that is a drum roll - deal with it)

There's just something about this rock loving, tender hearted toddler, that I adore.

I love how when I tell her to smile for the camera she says CHEESE and her eyes disappear.

I love that when you say come on vamanos she says "Let's go!"

I love that her little personality is really coming out, she turned to my mom the other day and told her she would like to go to bed for a nap, just a little one. - haha... she's so funny.

I love that she thinks that if she is sitting behind the arm chair in the living room (which is incidentally in the middle of the room and open for all to see) that she is invisible and can get away with anything if she is quiet. 

I love that she blows me kisses every morning when I walk out the door to go to work.

I do not love that she is growing up so fast, it sure is bitter sweet!

Thanks for stopping in!  Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend!!!

Texture Thursday

So I don't know if you guys saw my post for Still Life, but I thought I'd go ahead and use that shot for my texture.  I wanted to do something more with it.  I mean, the shot in itself was kind of dull so here is the texture:

It just kind of brightened it up a bit and made it really pop.

The Daily Wyatt