Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer Fun in the Sun

Emma and I got up yesterday morning and went to target.

When we got there we went straight to the swim suits where we found this adorable red and white polka-dot swim suit.

Then we went over to the hats and got her that cute little white hat that will keep her little head from getting burned.

After that we had to ran over to the pool area and grabbed this cute little pool.  We don't really have enough flat ground in the back yard to get anything bigger so this one is big enough for Emma and Mommy (or Grandmom)  to sit in and enjoy some cooling off time in this heat.

So Emma got in and enjoyed fishing with her fishing pole that Grandmom got for her.

Mommy didn't think to warm up the water and man was it freezing see her teeth chatter below.

Can't not post a shot of the thighs

She didn't stay in long because the water was cold, but she liked the pool and I imagine she and grandmom will make use of it this week! :0)

Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Well, if you know me at all, you know that I count the days down to Friday.  I have to say that this is my favorite day of the week.  I think I've posted about it before, but I just had to say I LOVE FRIDAY!!!  It is my dear friend that comes around way too rarely. :0)  This week I got to take some shots outside of my daughter and here is one of them.  I love this shot, not sure why.  I just do!

**Side note (or bottom note lol) I am unable to comment on some blogs because blogger won't let me sign in.  Most of the time I post as anonymous and just leave my url, but some people don't allow anonymous commenter's.  If you are one of them, I have desperately wanted to comment on your blog but can't!!!  Just wanted you do know. ;0)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unnoticed Beauty

Sometimes it takes a camera lens to find the beauty in what we see.  My sister teases me because just since I've had my Rebel I have noticed things that have been there all along.  Things that I didn't seem to care about.  Like a beautiful sky full of fluffy clouds, or an evening sunset. 
Like a dying herb.
...or a newly sprouted tomato.

A tiny white pepper blossom
... that otherwise would have gone unnoticed.

Leaves and things hanging from the bright green trees rimmed in light.

Even the weeds take on new meaning in this new world of light, colors and beauty.

I try to tell her that I noticed these things before, but the truth is that I didn't look at them the same.  I didn't have the same appreciation for morning light pouring through the window or the sunset shining out from behind the hills and trees.  I didn't look at those lovely fluffy white clouds and think "man, what a great picture" like I do now.  I didn't lean down to inspect a tiny flower or gaze off in the distance at a beautiful tree.  This wasn't part of my life then.  I am so thankful for the new "eyes" God has given me to view this magnificent world He has created!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday with Words and stuff :0)

Well, I've shared this picture before, but I wanted to blog last night and my internet would not cooperate so here I am at work blogging again.  I really liked this shot and I love the verse. 

Doesn't she look angelic? ;0) 
and then, she {snapped}

Monday, May 23, 2011

I{heart} Yellow :0) and Blue of course!! Happy Monday!

I kind of lucked into this one.  I didn't even know that i <3 faces photo challenge was yellow and then that Paper Mama's was blue, but I had my camera and Emma came running in from the kitchen with a lemon saying "Opa it Mama" translation: cut it open.  I of course said no.  She didn't seem too happy about that one. :0)
If you want to see more Yellow pictures go here:

If you want to see more blue pictures go here:
The Paper Mama

Oh, and I've never taken part in a Mellow Yellow Monday, but always meant to so I am today!!! :0)

One more just for fun ;0)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Party Bouncer - Thanks Paper Heart Camera!!!

I have say, I'm extremely excited about this little tip from Paper Heart Camera - "The Party Bouncer".  Check out her post to see what it looks like.  It is just like a notecard attached to your on camera flash.  I used a postcard that was just junkmail sitting around.  It worked like a charm.

 I have such an issue with indoor pictures because my house is pretty dark and I just have a kit lens 18-55mm for the moment so it's hard to get shots that aren't grainy.  I HATE flash because it is hard to get eyes when you use it.  Or at least I get a lot of squints and scrunched up faces.  Plus Emma seems to tire of pictures when I am flashing it in her face all day long LOL.  Not only that, but of course it makes the picture flat and there is always a shadow behind the subject and all that.

So I put it on my camera and here are my results.
This was without flash just so you can see how dark it would be.
1/60s  f5.6  ISO200 
I guess I could have opened up the iso a little more.

This one is the deer in headlights flash look - no party bouncer
 1/60s  f5.6  ISO200

With Flash and Party Bouncer
 1/60s  f5.6  ISO200

Such a huge difference.  There is added light, but it disperses it in a way that you can't really tell there was a flash.  I have noticed that you still get those pin lights in the eyes, but they aren't as bad.  I really love it and because I don't have the money for a speedlight or anything like that right now, this is an awesome alternative!!!  Thanks Paper Heart Camera for bringing this to my attention!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

all i can do is be me

I'd love to be clever and make you think "isn't that neat"
I'd love to be funny and make you laugh out loud
I'd love to take pictures that take your breath away.
I'd love to tell a story that makes you smile.

Truth is I don't know if I can do any of those things... all I can do is be me.
 I wish I was extremely crafty or that I could connect words together like a puzzle... but I can't.  I wish I was a wonderful cook or that I could make my own recipes, but I can't.  I wish that I was handy and could tell you how to do it yourself... but I'm not and I can't.  all i can do is be me.
"Who are you?"  You ask. 

Well, I am a mommy that makes mistakes.
I am a Christian that Loves the Lord but falls short A LOT!!!
I'm a future ex-wife... not something I brag about.
I am a messy person that deep inside would love to be organized.
{my mess drives me mad}
I am goofy and fun to be around most days.
I enjoy a good laugh.
I can draw, but don't.
I want to be a photographer so badly I can taste it. 
I'm a caring person, but have just recently come to the conclusion that I've lived most of my life very selfishly.
I don't have a favorite color - I love them all!
My favorite season is now spring because there are so many beautiful colorful flowers to shoot.
I love my daughter so much more than I could ever have imagined, but I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to parenting.

 There you have it.  A small glimpse into my soul. 
I have a desire to be loved.
And a desire to Love...
 This is my favorite shot from this week

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Theme Thursday {love}

This weeks theme over at Theme Thursday is love.  Since Abigail (my brand spankin new niece) was born, we've been spending a lot more time over at my brothers house.  It is nice because otherwise we really don't see Benjamin and Rachel (Abigail's older siblings) .  I love them to death, but they are trying at times... as is Emma, but she is mine so that is easy for me to deal with.  So I said all of that to share this picture.  I caught this on accident and I can't believe it actually happened.  When Rachel isn't pulling a bow out of Emma's hair she's bouncing around the room punching people (she's the wild one lol) so the fact that she grabbed Emma and kissed her was just... Unbelievable and then the fact that I caught it on camera... well, that's just amazing! :0)  Unfortumately I didn't use flash so it was quite dark.  This is my best atempt at an edit. 


The kiss led to this hug:
 Which led to this pile up...
 ... but nobody was harmed.

Oh, and just because you can't mention a new baby and not share a picture, here's Abigail:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

I heart faces {May Flowers}

For this photo challenge I am going to go ahead and enter one of my Mother's day roses since I haven't taken many flower shots since. :0) 

Check out more shots of flowers over at I <3 faces:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Quiet Saturday

Today started off slow with some rain and The Oregon Trail on fb (; .  Then this evening Emma and I went out front to enjoy some fresh air.

We started out with some bubbles but I didn't get any pictures of that because I had to blow the bubbles.  It truly killed me because I really want to get some bubble pictures. 

After the bubbles we moved on to side walk chalk. 

Sometimes it is so hard to pick a color.

Mommy wasn't thinking about the rough drive way and didn't put shoes on Emma.

So her little-big toe got scraped :0(  It hurt!

After going inside to put some shoes on

 we noticed the sky was ominous...
Mommy felt a drop so we took our party to the porch.
We had to include the Giraffe!

Then we had to go yell at the dogs next door for a bit ;0)

Then we got back down to business and drew some pictures on the porch

Mommy - "Emma, do you want a bath?"
Emma - "YES!!"

I know this post is for Saturday, but I am linking up with "Say Hi Sunday" a no rules blog hop!  I like that!!!  :0)