Friday, June 22, 2012

Things will be a-changin {Happy Friday!}

Share the love people!! :0) New Bloggy button! If you do decide to "share the love" let me know and I will "share the love" right back!! ;0)
Finding My Cre8ivity

Just thought I'd let you guys know that I will be changing up my blog design again. I feel like doing something a little brighter. I also will be doing a website for my business eventually, but will keep my blog for the personal side. So, it's Friday again, and that makes me EXTREMELY super duper happy!! I haven't taken many pics this week and the ones I have taken have been with my iphone... so you'll have to excuse the pitiful quality lol.
My sister made fun of the fact that I took a picture of nothing, but I really liked the pattern of the shadow... I'm a dork ;0)
Happily Mother After the long road 



  1. I totally get it! Love this mama! P/S your new lil heart button is adorbs, just changed it) Oh. Btw, I have a new-ish button too!)

  2. Yay for new blog designs! Of course, I'll share the love!! Have a great weekend, Becky!
    ps. I like your photo of "nothing." :)

  3. I don't think that's a silly picture at all! I LOVE that you noticed the pattern the shadow was making and you took a photo of it. So creative!

  4. I think the picture of "nothing" is really something! ;)

  5. Well, I guess that makes me a dork too, because I love it!!

  6. I totally took a picture of my shadow on Tuesday while on a hike so we're in the same boat. The texture converted to B&W very nicely.

  7. Love the new bloggy button :)
    Would you like to do a button swap at all huni?

  8. I guess I'm a dork too then 'cause I take pictures like this every now and then! I love finding beauty in the unexpected! Love the button; so cute! I'll definitely post your button on my site! We can do a button swap! Yay!


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