Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wordless (sort of) Wednesday

I wanted to blog today since I am trying to get in the habit of doing so, but I know if I don't do it now then I won't have time to do so... (work, church and tests for medical terminology - after work) So this is my sort of Wordless Wednesday.

This is my attempt at editing in Gimp. I am learning more and more each day about that program. I can't wait till I have the money to splurge on pse or lightroom, but until them I will learn what I can about Gimp. I didn't do much in gimp on this shot except lighten her eyes a little so that they would pop. I warmed up the shot in Picasa before hand. You can really do a lot between these 2 free programs. I will post more of what I have learned later.

Okay, so this Wordless Wednesday was not wordless at all!!! LOL! Thanks for stopping in and Have a Happy Wednesday!

(I was linking up with wordless weds and then I found this linky :0) that works!!!)
and then, she {snapped}

PS... Now that I look at the shot on the blog it looks like I lightened one eye more than the other... oops. I will have to work on that later.


  1. her eyes totally pop! I was going to say that even before I read that you edited them. I think they do look natural though. I haven't ever used gimp (I use elements), but I hear it's a great program. Great job! and thanks for finding MY linky, where words are ALWAYS welcome.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you'll leave a note ;0)