Friday, April 29, 2011

Just stoppin in

Man, I haven't been blogging very long and I sure did miss posting!  I kept reading other's posts and having photo challenge envy!  I missed entering them.  Then I learned a very frustrating and valuable lesson.  I took Emma to the park yesterday after work.  We played some and I got a few good pictures of her.  I got home, hooked my camera up to my laptop and went to uploading them... Picasa updated in the middle of my upload and since I had chosen for Picasa to delete all the pictures after uploading... they are gone.  I also had a picture of a Rainbow from the other night after the horrendous storms... Which incidentally, I was going to enter into Jennifer and Nicole's "Theme Thursday" photo challenge "signs" as a sign that the earth would never be flooded again. 

I spent the rest of the evening trying to recover the deleted photos from the card on my camera just to realize that it's not going to happen.  I don't know why it's so hard to let a few pictures go like that.  I can take them all over again.  I'm sure they weren't great, but I just keep seeing them in my mind.  I know, I'm slightly crazy lol.

Anyhoo, I've got one test down, 2 to go and this semester will be done with.  I am taking this summer off.  I don't know if I told you guys or not, I am going to school parttime for Medical Office Systems Technology.  Without my husbands help there is no way that I can support both me and Emma on one job.  So with this major I can get certified in Medical transcription and medical records and billing.  That way I can possibly have a 2nd job that I do at home.  Or I can chose to manage a medical office  (which I still don't think would pay enough to support us both).  I hate the thought of working so much that I never see Emma.  I know that is not what God intended. 

To tell you the truth, I thought school would be easier for me now that I'm older, but I didn't take into account that I am older and work full time and have a child...  My first full semester I took 13 hrs...  I don't know what I was thinking, it about killed me.  This semester I only took 9, it was much better, but still hard.  I am worn out and ready for a break.  When I went in to take my test today I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders! 

I hope this isn't boring.  I will post some pictures from my past photo excursions that you may not have seen.

I edited this one because I wanted Emma to pop, but you can see the lines where I edited it around her body. 

 I think I may have used too much texture on these...
Thanks for stopping in!  I will post more later.



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