Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mothers day a little late - Wordless Weds with Words

There was a time in my life when I dreamed of having a family.  I wanted to grow up, get married to "Mr. Handsomely Right" and have 5-10 children.  I wanted them to be "stair step" ages so I was pretty insane to say the least.  Somewhere along the lines I fell in love with "Mr. Extremely Wrong" and before that was over (which it still isn't completely over) God did bless me with my little Emma.  

She was my silver lining
Sometimes I think "Can I do anything right?" then she smiles at me and says "Mommy I-uvoo" and it makes all my mistakes melt away.  It's hard to remember that Mothers day is now my day too.  It's just my 2nd one and I look forward to many more.  Maybe one day God will bless me with a husband that cares and some more little ones, but Emma will always be the one that first made me a Mommy.  She will always be my Silver Lining and she will always be my blessing.

and then, she {snapped}


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