Friday, May 4, 2012


A friend of a friend was planning an event this month with a bunch of direct selling consultants and she thought of me!!  She wanted me to set up and take portraits. :0)  It makes me very happy to think that even if I don't take any portraits I will be getting my name out there.  I had some business cards made (which are probably a little busy)... but here's what they look like.


I hope they are good, I haven't recieved them yet, but I ordered them from mpix because I have ordered pictures from them and I've been very happy with the pics. They are supposed to be delivered today so we shall see ;0).

So I am going to go over there after church and my bff Renee is going with me to sit at my table when I am outside taking pics (cause I am NOT going to stress out over indoor portraits!!!). It's supposed to be beautiful so I just hope it is. Anyhoo, I CAN'T wait!!!! :0) I also hope people do come out. I don't know how advertised this event has been, I don't think it has a whole lot. We shall see. The girl that is running it did say that we may have it every 3-6 months if it goes well. Yay!



  1. You GO girl! That is so exciting & you SO deserve it! Becky, you are going to do great! what a perfect way to get your name out there)

    P/S I LOVE your new cards. What a great idea to add pics to them, I never would have thought of that!

    I actually won business cards from a lovely bloggy friend of mine! SO excited to pick them out. Couldn't have happened at a better time!

    P/P/S I'll email ya soon about FAF)


  2. Congrats to you on your photo shoot opportunity! I hope it goes very well! I think your business cards are beautiful. Thank you so much for the kind comment you left on my blog - have a great weekend!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you'll leave a note ;0)