Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1 ~of~ 365

Happy New Year!  I am in the middle of renaming my blog and redesigning it but I didn't want to miss out on day 1 of 365.  That would be a major fail!  Sooo.... this is my niece Abigail.  Oh how fun she is to take pictures of.  She usually always does what you ask her to do.  Then there's the cuteness factor... Maybe I should've started out the year with an Emma picture, but there will be plenty of those in the future.

This image was taken today at my brothers house in front of his backdoor.  I just love the light on her face.



  1. Window light is the best! Beautiful photo of a beautiful little girl! Well done, Momma! HEre's to making it all year! Cheers!

  2. Beautiful light and lovely perspective. Such a cutie. You've inspired me. I'm going to try.

  3. GORGEOUSSSSS!!!!! Adore that light, and adore her eyes! Hurrah for this project! I'm excited about doing it with all you fantastic ladies!! xo

  4. ABSOLUTELY.... LOVE THIS SHOT! It's simply perfect. The light is so soft & yummy, & what a sweet lil face. LOOOOVeee the new blog & look B! You are super talented with the whole designing as well mama! I will add your new button as soon as I actually sign into my blog) Miss blogging bunches!


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