Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Faith Fun Fest

Well last weekend Emma and I spent the day at our church's Faith Fun Fest :0).  I took pictures and she played.  It was a lot of fun for her to run free and do what she wanted.  She rode the merry go round, played in the bounce house thing and went down the big slide then she blew bubbles and ran through sprinklers... oh and she met a sweet adorable clown!  Such a great day! Here's a few of my fave shots from the day. Oh, I will share my numero uno fave shot in my next post heehee.

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1 comment:

  1. Look at the fun! My daughter is 2 and loves the Merry-go-round. We have not tried face painting yet, b/c she is still in her "eat freak" stage- and wouldn't go for that I don't think! haha! And balloon animals?! Who doesn't love those :)


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