Thursday, April 21, 2011

Theme Thursday - Shadows

I am tired.  I need to be in bed... but instead I am here blogging because I just finished my quizzes for the week.  That stress is over for the moment and now I am ready to blog.   I thought I'd share some other shots from Sunday.  I haven't picked up the camera since then.  I have been busy/tired and busy again. 

I also wanted to link up with Nicole and Jennifer  so here is my "Shadow" entry... well actually I am going to post the sooc first and then the edit will be my entry.

I took this back in Feb right after I got my camera.  I didn't really know much about it at the time.  You may have seen this photo before, I had edited it but I didn't know how to remove the people at the top.  So I have re-edited it :0).

Here's my new edit:
 Hope you like it!

See more shadow photos here:

Have a Happy Thursday!  Oh yeah, It's My Friday!!! YIPPEE!!! :0)


  1. Lovely photos. Your shadow shot is very nice. Great edit. I have yet to remove people from any photos so I admire your work! Thank you for linking up with Theme Thursday Becky!

  2. Thanks Nicole! It was very easy. I did all the removal work in Picasa(sp). I think it's called the "blemish" tool. Then I went into Gimp and added the light. It was fun, quick and easy!

  3. Awesome capture! I love it! Great edit also I love how you added the light! Thanks for joining us for Theme Thursday!

  4. New follower from theme thursday! Great job at removing the person and the sepia gives it a really nice feel.

  5. Your shadow shot is so sweet and love the b;owing the dandelion!

  6. So cute and wonderful work on the editing!!

  7. Nicely done!!! Love the tones!!

  8. Really like the dandelion shots and nice edit.

  9. Sweet pics. Nicely done. We don't have those grand-daddy dandelions just yet. Love it when those weights of life are lifted. Whew. Hope you have a lovely Easter with the fam! And thanks for linkin up to 30 days of spring.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you'll leave a note ;0)