Saturday, April 23, 2011

Learning to do Textures

So if you have been reading my blog, you know that I'm pretty new to photography.  I really am falling head over heals for it.  I never realized that it was such an art.  I guess I never really thought about it.  I am learning how to edit pictures and I'm not really great at it, but I recently stumbled across a blog that is just awesome. Check out:   Kim Klaussen Cafe'  Not only does she make textures and offer tutorials on how to use them, she gives them away for free!  I joined her "Texture Lovin List" and I immediately received an email with 5 free textures.  Then I ran over to her site and watched her tutorial on how to use them.  She suggests if you don't have PS that you download the free trial, but I just followed along on Gimp.  The two programs are similar, obviously PS is better, but I was able to figure it out on Gimp thanks to her easy instructions.  I highly recommend checking out her blog if you are new to all of this like me. 

Here is my SOOC

Here is my Edit:
I used one of her free textures and I really like it. 
 I don't know if it's great because I really don't know if I have an eye for this stuff yet.

Anyhoo, my point is that now I know how to use Textures.  I know how adjust the layers and she also shows in her 10 minute tutorial how to easily erase the texture from an area using a mask (which I had no idea what or how to use before this tutorial).  I am excited!  Can you tell??? :0)

Thanks for stopping in!  Hope you have a Blessed Easter!

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