Friday, April 15, 2011

{Finally, Fabulous Friday}

Have I told you how much I LOVE FRIDAYS?!?  I do, I love them so much.  It's the way I anticipate them all week long.  I can't wait to feel the freedom of the end of the week. 
Monday I remember what Friday felt like. 
Tuesday I can't wait till Wednesday gets here so I am 1/2 way to Friday. 
Wednesday I can smell Friday right around the corner. 
Thursday it is soooo close I can taste it.
I get up knowing that today is my last work day of the week.   8 hrs and I am free to lounge, hang out with Emma, go to the park, do WHATEVER I want. Friday nights are my time for "me time".   I feed Emma, play with her a bit maybe give her a bath and then it's her bedtime.  Then comes ME time.  :)  I usually watch a Netflix movie and eat something that isn't good for me.  It's the best.  Saturdays are great too, but Saturdays are just a reminder that the weekend's almost over... I know, I'm a mess!  This is how my brain works all week long ;0). 

Here's my fabulous friday shot.  This is my favorite shot of the week:

In all sincerity, I try to enjoy all the time I have with my Emma.  I hate to wish the days away because they go by so quickly on their own.  Emma is quickly turning from my baby into my little girl right before my eyes.  Every day there is something new that she has learned to do.  She's so smart and bright and beautiful.  I thank God for her ever day and hope that I can be the mom to her that He planned for me to be.  Thank you for reading. :0)

I'm linking up with:


  1. What a beautiful post! It's less about wishing the week and days away, but to me it's more about the love you have for you daughter and wishing for the days you can spend it completely with her. Also, I absolutely love that capture. I love the glow and color from the slide. Wonderful.

  2. Such a sweet photo of your little girl! She's adorable. I agree that there's no better day than Friday! Enjoyed your post!

  3. Great perspective and very creative. Love it!

  4. I really like the perspective of this shot. You get to see her about to go instead of the usual shot of getting there.

  5. What a beautiful shot! Thanks for participating in Fabulous Friday!


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