Monday, May 21, 2012

Finagle a Foto

Well, I'm always late on linkies, but I hate not joining in.  I don't know why I'm late but it is what it is I guess.  Seems like here lately I'm a weekend photographer, haven't lifted the camera during the week, but then on the weekend I have something going on and use it.  So anyhoo, I did get to do that session on Saturday and I guess I will share my fave from it. 

50_edited-1 I just love everything about it. This little girl was the perfect little model. I am very new at this, it was my first time doing this type of session and she just made it so easy. She didn't cry at all and the session was over in less than an hour! It couldn't have gone better. It had rained the night before which made for great bokeh, but my clothes were pretty soaked from rolling around in the wet grass. I didn't care though, it was the greatest morning ever! I can't wait to do it again. I think hopefully I'm going to take my bff's nephew's pics this saturday. :0) I just love photography!!!
Happy Jax 



  1. What a sweetie! Love the dress and the pose! Great composition! Love it!

  2. LOVE LOVE the dress, so darling.. She's such a cutie pie.. BEAUTIFUL shots.. xoxox.. Wishing you a lovely day..

  3. beautiful shot and model! :)

  4. So SO happy & SOOOO proud of you Beck! This is AMAZING Mama. I love every little thing about it. The sweet expression on that blue eyed face, the lighting, the composition, (HER DRESS), the way she's holding that adorable hat! EVERYTHING! Wonderful job my working photographer friend!!!!!!!

  5. Congrats Beck!! You were are #1 top Finagler this week my dear! Congrats, you so deserve it.

    Hop on by & grab your winning button!

  6. What a cutie. Congrats on your win!


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