Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wordless Weds with a party... and some words

Saturday we got up and got ready for Emma's birthday party.  My mom and my sister made her cake.  It was pretty awesome and humongous! 
Emma had a blast, the party was about 3 weeks late, but she didn't even know.  That's one nice thing about her age.  Any day can be her birthday... if you plan a party and people get sick... you can postpone it and she doesn't know the difference lol.  We had originally invited more kids, but the original party was going to involve being outside playing in water.  My house is small so when I found out it was supposed to rain, I decided to just have a family party.  It didn't rain and it was actually pretty nice out.  After the party, Emma took a nap (very very very short nap) and then that evening we went to see Harry Potter.  It was so great.  That's all I can say.  I just can't find words other than it was just so great. :0) 

Emma's 2nd Bday

and then, she {snapped} 

Thanks so much for stopping in!



  1. Looks like a perfect party. Love the cake. Happy birthday to your little one. I sure do miss that age. Happy WW!

  2. How fun. Love the cake. Yummy!

  3. What a fun cake!! Happy WW! http://thebiancamanos.blogspot.com/2011/08/this-that.html

  4. Looks like a great party! Love that cake!


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