Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hello Friends!  I just wanted to share a shot that I took at Cades Cove over the weekend.  Yes, I love that place, I've established that here haha!

the long road
I just love this sweet photo.  Emma wanted so badly to get down and walk in the water, and of course we let her! Haha, but not without first taking some bridge pictures.  Here are a few more.


Thanks so much for stopping in! :0) I'm linking up with:
NapTime MomTog
and then, she {snapped}

Still Life

Well, there are already so many beautiful entries for this challenge, but I'm gonna enter my pop of purple anyway! I truly doesn't compare. I just fell in love with a lot of the entries over there, if you haven't already, GO check it out!!


Thanks for this challenge!  I enjoyed finding something to shoot!

Thanks for stopping in!  GO (like I already told you once) and view some absolutely gorgeous still life standouts!!
Still Life Standouts

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday

Well, I think I've only taken part in this photo meme once so I really wanted to take part today... problem is that I couldn't find any yellow shots so...


Does this count? I just did a little editing to add a little yellow. :0)

Thanks for stopping in!

Cades Cove

Well, Saturday we made a quick trip out to Cades Cove and I mean, I can't wait to go back again.  I've been several times, but it was the first time since I got my camera.  There is just so much to photograph and I didn't get to because it was just a quick trip.  I believe we're going to go again next Saturday and spend 1/2 the day there.  Did I mention I can't wait?... 
The place is gorgeous and we saw several deer off in the distance.  It made me long for a zoom lens.  Anyhoo, hopefully next weekend I will see some bears.   Here are a few shots I took.





Wish this guy would've opened those eyes!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Can!

I never did share that a few Fridays ago my sister and I walked out to the car at lunch time (we work in the same place) to find a flat.  It was quite mood deflating ;0).   We had planned to jump in the car and go to get some lunch, but our tire had other plans.  (okay, so I know I should've taken pictures, it didn't occur to me until it was changed)

My first thought was "who can I call" and I actually called my mom lol... to see if she had any ideas, but I found my resolve!  I told myself  'We are going to do this ourselves'!  Well, to be truthful my next thought was 'go get a security guard', but I pushed pass that!  So I looked at Jessica and said something like "We can change a tire" (trying to convince myself). 

Got out the thingy that loosens up the lug nuts and placed it on one.  Good grief was it tight!  It wouldn't budge.  So I called my dad ;0).  He told me that I may have to jump up and down on it.  I looked down at my flip flops... told Jessica what dad said.  God bless her, she grabbed onto the side of the car and loosened those stinkin lug nuts!  Okay, so this sight reminded me of a few years ago.

Imagine that I am like 6 or 7 months pregnant, it's in the middle of the Summer and Jessica and I are headed home from work.  Then "THUMP, THUMP, THUMP"... me: "We have a flat".  I pulled over off the road and we got out.  We called my brother.  He came from across town to change the tire for us.  
So it's lunch time and Jessica's loosening the lug nuts, I'm pulling out the spare tire and the thingy that lifts the car up... can't think of the stinkin word right now.  So once I figure the thingy out I start lifting the car, change the tire and Jessica tightened up the lug nuts (I just want to wow you with the fact that I know what they are called lol).   A group of ladies at some point walked by and asked if we would like them to get the security guards... We were like 1/2 way through... sure, why don't you call them out here so we can show them how it's done.   It's so sad that women don't think they can do this stuff on their own... and I am guilty!!  See above! :0) 

So anyhoo, we finished and another group of ladies from our office drove up and asked if we would like for them to get the security guards... so funny.   I mean, we had the tire on the car.  I asked if she was kidding and she wasn't (I think I may have offended her).  She said she wasn't kidding.  The security guard could make sure it was on right...  Okay, now I'm offended. :0)  So no men were involved in the changing of my tire that day.  Just 2 hungry women with no other way to get some food. LOL ;0)  I wonder if we would've had changed it had we not been hungry.

I don't want you to get the wrong idea, I love a good man, (ok, that's funny, like I love a good steak... hahah) I mean it!  Men are great!  I just wanted to know that I can do it on my own (well, I didn't do it on my own, but at least now I know it would be possible)!  I thought, Thank you God for building character that day.   We came a long way from 2 years ago calling my brother to stop his life in order to fix our tire.  Granted I was very pregnant and Jessica had to pee so bad she probably would've peed herself had she tried.  Well, maybe we couldn't have done it then lol.

So you think, good grief, it was just a tire... you changed a flat, not the world, how could you write a whole HUGE post about changing a tire... well, I will tell you... I just could!  It's my blog so there! ;0)  Just kidding haha, but this isn't just about changing a tire, it's about strength, hope (ok, so hope is probably pushing it - although we were hoping for lunch haha), resolve and building character!   I can... instead of I can't.  I'm not praising myself or giving myself a pat on the back, I know it isn't a huge feat in light of all the goings on in the world, but it was a huge event in my small life.  It was epic to me.  I can! :0)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pushing through the Blah

Do you ever find yourself going full force into something to only feel blah about it in a bit?  I hate that.  I guess the thing to do would be to push through the blah.  I know there's some more excitement on the other side of the blah, but it's hard to get through. 

That's how I feel about school right now.  Summer before last I decided I would go back to school (online anyways).  I found a major ,Office Systems Technology/Health care - with this major I can do so many different things, but the great pull towards it was that the jobs could possibly be done at home.  Anyhoo, that first Fall Semester I took 13 credit hours... pretty crazy with a full time job and a 1 year old.  It was tough!!  In the spring I backed off to 9 hours... this fall I'm taking 6 hours.  Yeah, that's a declining slope if you graph it out.

At first I really wanted to do it and get it done,  now I just think, well, just as long as I'm taking classes... I find myself forgetting why I started the classes in the first place.  I need to be able to provide for Emma and me on my own.  I don't want to get a 2nd job that takes me away from her more, so hopefully I can do something at home.  This propels me forward, but not enough to keep me from dreading my classes starting on Saturday.  Well, I guess that's enough whining for a bit. :0) 


Thursday, August 18, 2011

I can see

When you call it is always disappointing
Empty promises flow from your lips
Empty plans Empty words Empty heart

Open your eyes and you will see the truth
But you keep them closed
It's easier to lie with them closed

Don't call, don't think, don't bother
My eyes are open now
Even if you do keep yours closed, I can see


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Some Silly Sweetness on Wordless Wednesday!

Silly Emma
Show me that smile
Ha I got a rock!

You say, that's enough for today? That's ok, so does she ;0)

Ok, I must share my frustration at myself!!!  I had the ISO up all the way to 1600 and I didn't even know it!  UGH!  These shots would've have been so clear had I looked at that. :0(  Instead they are noisy! Oh well, they are still cute lol.
and then, she {snapped} 

Monday, August 15, 2011

I {heart} faces - Eyes

You guys have obviously seen this picture before (in fact it's in my title) but I couldn't not use it for i heart faces eyes theme!!!  I just love my little Emma's baby blues!  They are vibrant and full of life.  (even if her face is spaghetti stained lol - this is still my favorite shot of her)
Emma Kay bright and happy

Thanks for stopping in! See more beautiful eyes at I heart faces!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

2 & 2 Monday

2 unrelated pieces of information I wanted to share:
1.  I changed a tire for the first time in my life... well, my sister helped me.  She loosened and tightened the lug nuts (which I think was probably the hardest part).  Anyhoo, I was pretty proud of us!!!  Who needs a man? 

2.  I miss my camera... it's not missing, I just haven't made time to use it.  I really have a desire to use it though!!!  I wish I could take tomorrow off just to go somewhere and take some pictures!  I'm going to have to start carrying it around with me everywhere again. 

2 unrelated pictures that I wanted to share :0)

1. A June bug shell

2. A rainbow <3

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wordless Weds with a party... and some words

Saturday we got up and got ready for Emma's birthday party.  My mom and my sister made her cake.  It was pretty awesome and humongous! 
Emma had a blast, the party was about 3 weeks late, but she didn't even know.  That's one nice thing about her age.  Any day can be her birthday... if you plan a party and people get sick... you can postpone it and she doesn't know the difference lol.  We had originally invited more kids, but the original party was going to involve being outside playing in water.  My house is small so when I found out it was supposed to rain, I decided to just have a family party.  It didn't rain and it was actually pretty nice out.  After the party, Emma took a nap (very very very short nap) and then that evening we went to see Harry Potter.  It was so great.  That's all I can say.  I just can't find words other than it was just so great. :0) 

Emma's 2nd Bday

and then, she {snapped} 

Thanks so much for stopping in!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekend Overview and Texture Tuesday

Saturday was a big day for our church.  Instead of having Vacation Bible School this year we decided to have a "Faith Fun Fest".  It was 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) of jumping in a bounce house, sliding down the big blow up slide, watching the show that we had with an "illusionist" and vintriliquist (they were very good), food, fun and heat! :0)

Here are a few shots of some of the little ones, they were mostly inside, but we did take them outside while the older kids were eating so that they could have some fun on the big stuff to.
Here's one I played around with for texture tuesday:





Monday, August 1, 2011

At a crossroads

I just had to put a serious title on this LOL... I just wanted to ask you guys to bare with me for a bit.  I ran out of space on flicker and I am contemplating paying for a year on there so that I can add more.  I probably will do it since it is like $25 and that really isn't a lot.  Plus if I don't do it then I won't be able to continue posting pictures on my blog... that's a problem.  I'll probably get that done tonight.  That's why I don't have a post for today though. 

Thanks for stopping in!