Thursday, March 31, 2011

Theme Thursdays! Water

Welp, I know it's late on Thursday, but here I am.  I have been working on a report all evening and now I am free!!!!  ...but it's time for bed.  Gotta get up early and go to work so this is a sad little post.  Well, we have seen a lot of water falling from the sky this week.  That and the water running from the faucets is the only water I've been near and I haven't tried to take any shots of that yet. 

I thought this was neat... maybe :0)...

Check out the other entries over here:

 Here are a couple other shots that I took from the backseat of the car on my way to WV last week.  I just like them. ;)

This one is just so WV, from the rolling hills right down to the bridge.  I love it! 


  1. I love your water capture! I was thinking the same idea, but no rain here. Your last capture is breathe taking too! Thank you for linking up for Theme Thursday Becky!

  2. Hello Becky,
    Thanks for stopping by...great water photo!! We too are experiancing alot of water here only in the form of snow. You got some great photos here. Love the one of the signal lights. Love your header also.
    Have a good one!!

  3. Hello Becky, thanks for stopping by and liking my water shot.
    You might find this link useful

    Have a beautiful day!

    PS: You have a cute baby girl.

  4. Great water capture! I love the one with the stop lights! Thanks for linking up with Theme Thursday!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you'll leave a note ;0)