Building your brand, building your brand building your brand!!! Have you ever read so much about one subject and knew less about it afterwards then when you first started reading???? I feel this way about branding. I guess that's because I've not had any classes on the subject. I don't know where to begin. My poor little photography hobby that I want to be a business has had 3 names already and I still am not set on the one I've got now. Right now I am using RSPhotography, which I'm not in love with. It's for Rebekah Suzanne, I didn't want to use my last name because it is changing and may change again in the future... I have gone over and over what my logo will look like, but honestly... I have no clue!!! Every day I happen onto someone else's photography blog and find the most beautifully creative logos, and I don't want to rip someone off... so why can't I come up with my own? BLAH! It's the hardest thing, but then I've never been good at coming up with name -
proof is in the title of my blog haha!
I know my photography hobby is not professional level yet and I am cool with that. There is just so much to learn, but my goal is to come up with my brand and then grow it into a business. I mean, you can't become a photographer if you have no experience in photography... or atleast I can't. So why is this branding thing so hard?
So like I said right now my name is RSPhotography here is a list of what I've thought of:
Forget Me Not Photography - I would use a forget me not flower in the logo somewhere. I like this because my thought was "for the memories you don't want to forget" kind of thing. I actually did pay to use this name already so technically it is my business name (that is if I take money from people -which I don't).
Then I started seeing the trend of using your name as the business name. I really like the idea, but then it seems a little plain... but I went through:
Becky Sue Photography
Well, that's really all I've got.
Thanks for reading my ramblings today. Just for that here's another photo from my walk a few weeks ago: