Do you guys find that your days are filled to the brim? I do sometimes. It is hard to stop and smell the roses when you can't find them through the cloud of dust that is kicking up around you as you run through your day hoping to get everything done... Yeah, I know that was a run on sentence. :0)
Actually sometimes it is paralyzing to think about all the plans for the weekends. This person needs to go here, this person wants you to come there, and you just want to do what you want to do. This month has been so ultra busy already. I had planned to have Emma's bday party last Saturday, but she didn't feel well and the cousins were sick so we had to post pone it. Couldn't do it this weekend because we have some plans plus I am shooting my very first maternity session!!! (we'll talk about how ultra excited I am in a minute) Then the next Saturday our church is having a "Fun Fest" and I am helping in that, so we had to plan for the first weekend in August... her birthday was July 14th. I feel bad, but at least she won't know the difference.
So, I know everyone else is busy too, but sometimes I just feel like there is no end to it.
Anyhoo, about the photo session. I cannot wait! I need advice now!!! ;0) My plan is to print off some ideas for poses so that she can see what she likes. I don't know how I will do with posing her as I've only ever taken pictures of kids and I rarely pose them. I know that it isn't necessarily an easy thing, so I want to be prepared. Oh, I am not getting paid for this because:
1. It is my gift to her (hopefully it will be a good gift lol)
2. I honestly just don't feel comfortable asking for money (any amount) for something I have never done before.
Plus, this will add to my portfolio. Which, may I add, is pretty bare.
So do you guys have any tips, suggestions or anything? We are going to my favorite place to take pictures (or the only place I know right now lol) the UT botanical gardens. There are just so many beautiful places to take pictures there. I'm truly very excited and VERY nervous about it.
Thought I'd share something I worked on tonight. Here's the Clean Edit:
(which I really liked alot before I edited it)
Here's my edit:
I used 2 of Kim Klassen's textures
pourvous 60.0 opacity (divide)
believe 50.0 opacity (multiply)
I just painted the texture off of Emma and there ya have it. I don't know if I really like it. I liked it alot before I uploaded it to flicker.
Thanks for stopping in! Have a GREAT Wednesday!!!